Tuesday 2 January 2007

Be eco-friendly after Christmas!

It's simple but its so easy not to do it - recycle your Christmas tree and your Christmas cards!

'London produces 10% more rubbish at Christmas than during any other time of the year and Christmas tree recycling is an environmentally friendly, convenient way of getting rid of your real Christmas tree' (www.viewlondon.co.uk).

Many local councils have special arrangements for this and the easiest way to find out about them is to google them.

As for cards, well if you haven't got access to a recycling collection which most people have as part of their rubbish collection (or if you keep forgetting!) take them to Tesco with you when you next go shopping. WH Smith is also accepting them for recycling.

Or of course there's the old trick of cutting out the pictures and using them as tags for next year's presents. If you've got the time go for it!

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